Symposium started with Dr. Russell welcoming us and explaining the purpose of the program. It will help us get students excited about science and hopefully in polymers and material science.
The presentations were very interesting. It showed how much research the teachers accomplished. The presentations showed that the teachers were very excited about their experiences and how much they learned during their summers. It looked like the teachers for this year, including myself, felt more comfortable with what we will be doing and excited about the instruments we will learn how to use.
Personally, my group, Sabra, David and myself, were told what we will be working on. It is cutting edge research in dealing with thin films. Not sure how much I can say but I found something on the web by the people doing the research so I can mention that much :-). We will be working with them, Jiangshui Huang, Dr. Menon and Dr. Russell, so it makes it very exciting. Dr. Russell is the Professor in charge of our research group.
In the afternoon, we were shown some of the programs available for teachers to use at their schools to combine science with art.
VISUAL - images obtained by researchers for polymers in the course of their studies, are framed along with a description of the image in plain English

Poly-Merge - using pictures from VISUAL, allow art students to draw their interpretations of the microscopic pictures of the polymers. These artistic intepretations have been shown at science fairs.